Uhuewa and its Environ

 Uhuewa is one of the four families that make up Ezioha village in mgbidi town, Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu state. The four families in Ezioha mgbidi are Uhuewa, Enueka, Umuegwu and Umukwoke.
 Uhuewa citizens are the descendants of Ukwuewa, who was the first person to settle in the present Ezioha Mgbidi. This is why anytime there is something to share amongst the four families in Ezioha, Uhuewa chooses first. Ukwuewa started his journey from Oghe in Ezeagu local government area of Enugu State. He first settled at a place presently called Nkwe. This historical fact is confirmed by the fact that the economic trees exist today and Nkwe people acknowledge that these things still belong to Uhuewa people. In addition, Uhuewa people do not inter marry with that section of Nkwe town.
 Ukwuewa later left Nkwe and moved down to the place presently called Mgbidi. He first stayed briefly in a place now known as Ududa Ka Enu , that is , the upper part of Ududa village.
Before continuing his journey he left two things.
He dug in a pole and established the Nnamelo shrine. Our brothers at Ududa ka Enu still today don't touch or temper with that spot where he planted the pole. He then moved upwards and stayed briefly in a place presently called Umueji, and before he left , he established another Nnemelo shrine. Umueji lies on the South-West of the present Umukwoke. Ukwuewa finally settled in the area presently known as Uhuewa. Be established the third Nnamelo shrine here. Nnamelo shrine does not exist in any other part of Mgbidi. Uhuewa , Umueji and Ududa Ka Enu are brothers because they descended from one father or ancestor, and they do not inter marry.
 Ukwuewa had three sons whose descendants make up the present Uhuewa family. The first son was Afunanya who was the father of the present Umuafu Kindred.
Afunanya as the first son of Ukwuewa didn't welcome any alien.

The second son was Omaochie who was the father of the present Umu Omachie Kindred.
The second son called Omaochie accommodated two aliens Umuoga and Umueji and they are called Omachie Kindred.

The third and youngest son was Uduoke and he was the father of the present Umu Uduoke Kindred.
The last born of Ukwuewa called Uduoke also accommodated two aliens who are Umu Nduri who migrated from Agu nta part of Uwakpu. And , Umu Ugada Abani who migrated from Nkwe and  gave birth to Onyekwe Ugada and Ndu Ugada .

This historical brief is intended to help every living Uhuewa citizens know his root and this will  guide him in his social and moral life. 

Source: L.I. Nze and was written by Ajah Callistus Tobechukwu. (+2348132794755)
